Character Shaping: Three Unexpected Methods of Animation in Marketing

With the increasing importance of social media as a marketing platform, it has become unprecedented difficult to emerge. The company is committed to attracting the attention of potential customers, and the more modern tool to achieve this is animation.

In the past few decades, animation and CGI have had a great impact on the entertainment industry (such as movies, TV and video games), but now they are also widely used in other fields.

Did you know that some popular celebrities, models, social media influencers are not even “real”? It can be seen from the following points that they can be numbers; CGI FANTUM sells to millions of people

This is no longer the stuff of science fiction, on the contrary, it can become the next core marketing tool of your enterprise – no matter the size – and raise your network influence to a new level.

  1. Virtual influencer

The world famous American talent agency CAA recently signed the first official CGI customer and decorated the headlines. Miguel looks like a modern girl on Instagram (she has her own account and millions of fans), but she is totally CGI.

This “virtual influencer” has been used in the main marketing activities of Samsung, Calvin Klein, YouTube and other brands. She has accumulated 2.2 million fans, and how many of them know that she is computer generated

She is not a virtual model either. Lil Miquela (also known as Lil Miquela) is used to raise awareness of social activism issues, such as homeless people, LGBTQ+people and women who have lost their homes.

Miquela is used almost the same as the actual model or model. Some people may think it is incredible, but her contract with CAA proves that virtual influencers are rising and can be considered as an area with significant commercial potential.

  1. Real time animation

Some enterprises are surpassing the existing animation to create a role that can exert the greatest influence, participation and influence.

For example, companies like Digital Doll use the most advanced software to make real-time animation. This means that animated characters can be used in live Q&A and streaming media. There seems to be someone talking, and their role is speaking for them.

Real time animation is faster than existing animation. Ordinary animation may take months, even seconds or minutes, but the actual animation is very fast.

Live animation also eliminates the need for lip synching. This is done automatically, avoiding the trouble often encountered in the traditional animation process.

Another advantage of live animation is that you can use characters for live presentations and presentations. Characters can attract audiences on the stage, and people who control characters can hide in quiet rooms. It is far beyond their ability to attract the attention of the audience with their roles.

Because of these factors and more, the animation of real objects has attracted much attention.

  1. Global Information Fund

The graphics interchange format sounds boring, but GIF (as you know) is interesting. GIF is essentially a dynamic picture that is repeated constantly and has entered the field of popular culture and communication.

Many smartphones now have GIF libraries that can be included in SMS, email, and chat services. This means that your reply only needs dynamic images to capture your feelings; This can be a quote from a popular movie, a TV play, or even a song. GIF shows facial reactions in popular TV programs such as “Office” and is particularly popular.

Although not all GIFs are animated, many GIFs are animated images or pixels, so they can be calculated in this way. They are also increasingly used for commercial websites and online promotional materials.

In general, static logos and text can now be moved in a bold way. This is useful for important product details, offers or unique points of sale that attract readers’ attention.

A few mobile pixels, CGI masterpieces, or eye-catching real-time animation characters to conduct on-site Q&A; A. The commercial use of animation is increasing.

Companies in all industries are exploring this new marketing channel and trying to conduct their own “character formation” activities.

Maybe you should consider joining them?